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Jag Bhalla


Jag Bhalla is a writer based in Washington DC (tweets @hangingnoodles)

How “the Greatest of All Plagues” Became Our God
How “the Greatest of All Plagues” Became Our God
Art and Our Cult of the Self
Art and Our Cult of the Self
Does the West Have a “Right” to Better Lives Than the Rest?
Does the West Have a “Right” to Better Lives Than the Rest?
Ta-Nehisi Coates Attacks “Journalism’s Great Sin” on Israeli Apartheid
Ta-Nehisi Coates Attacks “Journalism’s Great Sin” on Israeli Apartheid
Liberalism’s Failure by Fun
Liberalism’s Failure by Fun
Political Virtues: Liberalism Versus Tribalism
Political Virtues: Liberalism Versus Tribalism
Climate Rhetoric & the Marketplace of Rationalizations
Climate Rhetoric & the Marketplace of Rationalizations
How Greed Misleads the Good Guys (Liberals and Leftists Alike)
How Greed Misleads the Good Guys (Liberals and Leftists Alike)
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